Photography is an amazing way to tell a story.

My photographs

“My expectations were high, but I was blown away! You direct people incredibly well, getting the best out of them.”

Model Pepper The Rebel after the shoot

“Most empowering, you made me see myself differently: Hey, I am beautiful too!”

Said model Maija

“I really feel myself so hot and so safe, thank you!”

Model M during shooting

“You’re eye is so good, outstanding visual understanding.”


Courses i’ve took


Basics of digital photography by Juho Nikkilä, Studio photography basic course by Arto Timonen and the ABCs of portrait photography by Saara Malmström.


Studio photography at home by Arto Timonen, Photographic portfolio by Filippo Zambon and Portrait photography in natural light by Oscar Wollsten.

Also on-going course for 3rd year now with amazing Anni Hanén.